Geoff's 21st Birthday

Sunday 23rd January 2000, Bora Bora,
Winton, Bournemouth.

1- Birthday boy 15- Hammock
2- Housemates 16- Pete,Art,John,Dave
3- Steve and sand 17- Nipple action!
4- Mark and decks 18- Opening presents
5- Deep in thought 19- Arthur
6- Steve and Laura C 20- Krissie and John
7- Arrghh! 21- Beach girls
8- Jenga 22- Laura(!)
9- Surf girl [Krissie] 23- Twister
10- Smiley people 24- ZZzzzz [Miles]
11- Goth on the beach 25- Sit on Miles
12- John and Geoff 26- Sit on Miles 2
13- Two Caths 27- Twister 2
14- Two Daves (!!) 28- Lets twist again...

Last updated January 2000.